Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Linked In

Joined LinkedIn website which was very informative, and I was surprised at the number of ways that I can share my findings and people that can view me. I am not on the internet much at all, but this is a site I definitely want to Autocomplete. Hopefully I can get some pictures in my profile later on, so people can see what my second life is all about.

Much Love Always,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Frustrating Computer

Finally, after what seemed like eternity. I completed a Google account. I know squat about computers, which is really sad because they have step-by-step instructions for people like me who have no idea what they are doing. I agree the internet is helpful with communication, browsing, and buying things, but I do not get on the computer much, so to me, its just frustrating. I am thinking about moving closer to town so that I will be able to visit the computer more.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Foreign press

I chose to read the english transition of the Japanese newspaper  The Japanese Times. Although the effect of the piece is lost from the true language of the Japanese, I found many things about the articles there very imformative. For example, the news focused on other  countries as well as their own countries problems. Many Amerian newspapers focus only on what is happening in our own country. Also there is less of an 'opinion' sort of writing in The Japan Times than the opinions in a lot of American magazines. I really enjoyed reading some of the articles such as the title 'Cops seek Yahoo Info to Pinpoint Test Cheats.' If anyone wants to take a look, follow the link at http://www.japantimes.co.jp/