Tuesday, February 22, 2011

You can tell I do not get out much. . .

  The whole 'internet' thing is hard to understand for me. . . in my creative writing class I was listening to everyone talk about certain things and there were some  things that I have never heard of or have been exposed to--your jaw hopefully will not drop much.

1.http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1559549/--the movie restrepo
2. http://www.stephendunnpoet.com/-- the poet Stephen Dunn
3. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111161/ --Shawshank Redemption. read the book, didnt know of a movie
4. http://www.iamthebeatles.com/-- yes, the beatles, Id prefer no comments about this one
5. http://www.u2.com/index/home/-- U2

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